About Our Team

Josselyn Garciglia


"All this starts from an experience."

After surviving sexual abuse during my childhood and personally facing the challenges and difficulties that such a traumatic experience can trigger in adult life, I have come to understand that childhood abuse is unfortunately more common than imagined, being prevalent mainly within the familiar. This painful reality deeply affects our society, placing Mexico as one of the countries most affected by this problem.

Despite having gone through this stage of my life and now sharing my story, I have always maintained the certainty that my destiny was not marked by this event, but rather in transcending it and turning it into a source of help for others. It took years of hard work to achieve healing and understand my own process. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my greatest dreams: to represent my country in the Miss Universe pageant and become an actress. These goals, which I dreamed of since I was a child, seemed unattainable given my circumstances. However, thanks to the support of many people, I was able to make them a reality.

Therefore, I raise my voice and commit to fighting for those who need to be heard. Through my experience, I have witnessed the power of solidarity and compassion to accompany other women on their path to freedom. I long to see a country where child abuse and exploitation are problems of the past. Children deserve the freedom to pursue their biggest dreams. This is how the Soñemos Juntos Foundation and Casa JG were born, as refuges of well-being and hope.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have joined my cause and who share my story, especially to those brave women who fight with me, with a generous heart and willing to help those who need it most.

May our union and determination be the light that fills you with hope, reminding you that together we can turn pain into strength and dreams into palpable realities.

With love,
Josselyn Garciglia

Our team

Meet the amazing women who are part of our team! Our female employees are the driving force behind our mission.

Teresa Bañuelos

Rosy Castro

Rosy Bañuelos


Angelina Bañuelos

Nadxely Campoy

Conchita Meza

Beiry Guillén

Melissa Garciglia

Alondra Silva

Karla Geraldo

Janice Yu

Members of our team

Gilberto Garciglia – Oscar Telechea – Adrian Telechea

Contact Information

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